‘The more that you read, the more things you will know.
The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.’
It is our aim at JLA to develop enthusiastic, confident readers who can understand and access a wide range of texts. Children will have the skills and opportunity to read for interest, information and enjoyment. Reading is an empowering life skill and so it is our commitment that we equip our children to leave our school able to read. Teachers have a good understanding of end of year expectations for their year group through their knowledge of the curriculum, the standard of end of year tests and understanding of the end of Key Stage benchmarks.
Reading is a key component of English lessons using quality texts. Children are taught to analyse text through a range of strategies including questioning, talk, drama and art. Teachers read texts aloud regularly modelling excellent expression and fluency. Reading to learn also underpins cross-curricular activities as a child moves from decoding to a deeper understanding of what they are reading.
Promoting reading
Across JLA, we celebrate and recognise key national dates linked to keeping reading high profile, for example World Book Day. Teachers highlight key authors so that by the end of the relevant KS our children are aware of a range of genres and famous authors - this may take the form of displays, home learning challenges or books being shared during story time. Each year we welcome poets and authors into school to promote reading. Each classroom has a welcoming, engaging book corner which can be accessed at key times throughout the week. Children visit a library outside of JLA at least once during a key stage
Reading comprehension tests
Teachers administer national standardised tests at least once termly to help assess progress and attainment.
Reading books
Little Wandle - in EYFS and KS1, fully decodable books support our phonics teaching. Featuring an exciting mix of stories and non-fiction to foster a love of reading in all children, these books are matched to the Little Wandle progression.
Big Cat Books - Across KS2, children read Big Cat books to ensure children are reading the correct level high quality texts across a range of genres, with plenty of opportunity to develop vocabulary.
Little Wandle Online - These online books allow the children to confidently read the book they have been practising in their guided reading sessions in Reception and KS1 at home. This supports developing their fluency and confidence.
In addition, all children have a free choice of reading books from their class book corner to build a love for reading.
Reading Intervention
Termly, where staffing allows, each year group will run a reading intervention for at least 8 children who are not making good enough progress (or are just below ARE). This input will be above and beyond class teaching and can take place at lunchtime, before or after school. The input should last for at least six weeks. It aims to raise the profile of reading for those who are not making good enough progress, teach specific comprehension skills (based on gap analysis) and/or to extend the range of books for reluctant readers.
High Attainers
The school provides a range of books to challenge all readers with age appropriate content - fiction, non-fiction and poetry. Reading challenges are set at age-appropriate levels within year groups.
As we believe that reading is key to all learning, the impact of our reading curriculum goes beyond the result of statutory assessments. Children have the opportunity to enter the wide and varied magical worlds that reading opens up to them. As they develop their own interest in books, a deep love of literature across a range of genres, cultures and styles is enhanced.
Through the teaching of systematic phonics and reading skills, children become fluent and confident readers who can apply their knowledge and experience to a range of texts through the primary curriculum.
As a Year 6 reader, transitioning into secondary school, we aspire that children are fluent, confident and able readers, who can access a range of texts for pleasure and enjoyment, as well as use their reading skills to unlock learning in all areas of the curriculum.
In addition to this:
Parents and carers will have a good understanding of how they can support reading at home, and contribute regularly to home-school records.
The % of pupils working at age related expectations and above age related expectations within each year group will be at least in line with national averages and will match the ambitious targets of individual children.
There will be no significant gaps in the progress of different groups of pupils (e.g. disadvantaged vs non-disadvantaged)