School Performance
We are very proud of every child at John Locke Academy. They try hard to do their best, even if they find tests difficult.
Our results in statutory assessments are strong and consistently above national averages.
Thank you to our parents and carers for the support - it makes such a difference to academic outcomes.
The staff at JLA works tirelessly to ensure each child has a solid academic grounding as well as an enjoyable, enriching time at primary school.
How will I know how my child has performed in their assessment?
Teachers will share information regarding your child's learning and development regularly throughout the year. NB: The results from the Reception Baseline Assessment are not shared with schools.
What is a scaled score?
A Scaled Score converts the number of marks a student has got into a consistent and standardised score.
What does ARE mean?
ARE (Age Related Expectation) means that your child is working at their current age expectations.
What does GLD mean?
GLD stands for Good Level of Development and has replaced Exceeding in Early Years
If you require further information about assessments at our school please contact: