
You know what seems odd to me? Numbers that can't be divided by 2...

At John Locke Academy, we intend for every learner to be confident mathematically and have a strong conceptual understanding that helps them apply their knowledge in a range of contexts. This will give them the necessary skills for applying maths at JLA, in the world around them and life after primary school.

We use a range of materials with White Rose maths as our core scheme of work and planning document. This is adapted where needed and supplemented by materials from NCETM and a range of other mathematical sources. A wide range of practical, concrete resources are available to support children on their mathematical journey from EYFS through to year 6.

Our aim is that children become increasingly fluent with whole numbers and the four operations, including number facts and the concept of place value. Children should develop efficient written and mental methods and perform calculations accurately with increasingly large numbers. Progression within our curriculum will extend children's understanding of the number system and place value. This will support the understanding of the connections between multiplication and division and how they apply to fractions, decimals, percentages and ratio.

Through quality first teaching we ensure: 

We aim to ensure that children are challenged, enthusiastic and resilient, with the ability to articulate their thought process clearly so that they are in the best position possible to continue their mathematical education after primary school.

Maths display photos and work

Maths Day 2023 - collaborative working across the school.